Skylanders Fan Wiki
Air Aero Air
Species: Crow
Gender: Female
Element: Air
Role: Skylander
Appears in: Skylanders: Masters
First Release: Skylanders: Masters
"Soaring To New Heights!"
    —Aero's official catchphrase

Aero is a Sensei of the Air element in Skylanders: Masters. She is a trainer of the Bowslinger Battle Class.




Basic Abilities
These abilities are available from the start of the game.
Soul Gem Ability
Requires Soul Gem from:

Sky-Chi Ability
Requires unlocking from the
Bowslinger Sensei Shrine
Bird Bow Feather Slash
Let the Arrows Fly!
It's Raining Arrows!

Primary Ability
Press Attack 1 to shoot arrows at enemies

Secondary Ability
Press Attack 2 to throw your feathers at enemies.

Price: 4000
Hold Attack 1 to real back your Bird Bow arrows. Release to send your arrows flying all over the place.
View Sky-Chi
The ultimate Sensei attack! Hold Special Attack to perform your Sky-Chi Power! Use Left Stick to target your arrows on enemies!
View Soul Gem

Basic Upgrades
Skylanders can buy new abilities from Persephone/Power Pods.

Flight Fighter Feed the Birds Boomerang Feathers Flight Shot

Price: 500
Press Attack 3 to fly in the sky.

Price: 700
Arrows shot from your Bird Bow bite enemies dealing more damage.

Price: 900
Feathers shot from a Feather Slash are faster and come back to you.

Price: 1200
Press Attack 1 while flying to shoot arrows at enemies below.

Bird Bowcaster
View Feather Fury
Increase your Bird Bow and Flight Fighter attacks further
Right On Target Flock of Arrows Look Out Above

Price: 1700
Bird Bow arrows now follow enemies.

Price: 2200
Now shoot multiple arrows at enemies

Price: 3000
Hold Attack 1 while flying to target enemies.

Feather Fury
View Bird Bowcaster
Increase your Feather Slash attacks further
Feather Spin Feather Tornado Sharp Feathers

Price: 1700
Hold Attack 2 to spin around. Press Attack 2 to shoot feathers while spinning.

Price: 2200
Feather Spin is faster and lasts longer, creating a tornado

Price: 3000
Feathers are sharper dealing increased damage to enemies.


  • Aero was the very first Sensei that I created.
  • She reuses a battle cry said by Jet-Vac as her catchphrase.
Trailblazer101's Senseis
AirSymbolSkylanders Air Skylanders AirSymbolSkylanders

Aero - Weather Wizard - Air Wolf - Bad Juju - Threatpack - Sonic the Hedgehog
